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About Us

Industry Focus

The origin of SAIKYO

Based on the technology we have cultivated over the past 25 years in plastic manufacturing, which is the origin of SAIKYO, we aim to further refine our manufacturing technology and develop unique products! We aim to develop customized products using environmentally friendly technologies such as LEDs, solar power generation, and newly developed fire extinguishing stickers, and to create products that contribute to safe and secure urban development and an energy-saving society based on our manufacturing technology. Through manufacturing environmentally friendly products, we We will make Japan's future better.

SAIKYOの原点であるプラスチック製造で25年間培ってきた技術を基にさらにブラッシュアップしオンリーワンの製造技術と製品開発を目指し! LED、ソーラー発電をはじめ新開発消火ステッカーを初めとした環境に優しい技術を用いたカスタマイズ​製品の開発、製造技術を元に安全安心の街づくり、省エネ社会に貢献する製品作りを目指します。



Sustainable development is defined as "development that satisfies the needs of the present generation while also meeting the needs of future generations." We seek to build a resilient future. To achieve this objective, it is essential to harmonize three core elements: economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection as necessary factors for the well-being of individuals and society.



Sustainable development

Kyoji Morihima




Akemi Morishima

Managing Director

 Yuko Aoki

Business management section

Yukiko Hamamoto

Business department


Masami Sato

manufacturing management


Mr. Toda

part-time worker


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